The posts below belong to a larger story entitled Autumn Drive, a story about growing up, losing loved ones, and people that take advantage of those unable to defend themselves.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


My relationship with my brothers consists of swearing, playing sports, and hitting each other when necessary. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I had a sister, to have a relationship with a girl that was close, platonic, and real, a relationship motivated not by hair color, hip size, or facial features, but by a bond that can only be formed by growing up together.

I wondered about my mom and Nancie's relationship, how tumultuous and aggravating and even loving it might have been.Like apes in a family group, we are not so different--that's what we are, what our family is--we live and familiarize and develop with our kin, learn, hate, and laugh with our friends. We are social animals.

I felt it with my brothers, but would a sister be any different? To feel a desire to defend and protect when bullies at school go too far, like apes do when they throw rocks and shake trees to ward off rival groups or predators.

In some respect I wish I had a sister, but the truth is, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today without my brothers. The chances are pretty great that if I did have a sister, and that was all I ever knew, I'd be pondering what it would be like to have a brother. And I have two brothers, twins, a pretty rare outcome back when I was an only child begging for a little brother to grow up and play with.

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